Friday, June 5, 2020

Writing a Reflective Paper From an Essay

Writing a Reflective Paper From an EssayWriting a reflective paper from an essay is similar to writing a journal. The elements of that famous story, The Graduate, are used to instruct us as to what to expect. I'm not going to repeat the stories details, but you should be aware of the situations, the significant person in them, and the inner workings of the plot.The opening scene from The Graduate has Joe as a senior and Will as a freshman, sitting on a bench in front of a fountain. They have just graduated and are about to go their separate ways. They are both sad to leave each other, but there is no sign of a future friendship.As graduation day approaches, they walk hand in hand, but Will cannot reconcile his feelings for Joe. He talks to his parents who all concur with his decision, but he cannot figure out why he can't break up with Joe. On the way home, they talk about how they could be two of the best people in the world, but just can't seem to be that way.In their impromptu spe ech to all of their friends, Will finally finds a commonality with his friends and realizes he needs to be with them as well. In the process, he realizes that all of his relationships, whether personal or professional, are not just part of a 'job' but instead are meant to be full of love.Now on their graduation day, Will and Joe make up and walk hand in hand down the street to their car. Each time Will tries to push Joe away, Joe picks him up and carries him to another place and they both feel complete. Will and Joe have made up and are a perfect couple.Writing a reflective paper from an essay is similar to writing a journal. It will begin by identifying your own emotions. What are you feeling? What are you thinking?This will be followed by creating a rough outline or an outline for the paper. I'll bet if you were a student and had no idea where to start, you'd probably write it all on a piece of paper or take a long and winding road on your writing pad. Be as meticulous as possible . Weeding through your ideas to bring together the best ones can be extremely tedious, but also incredibly rewarding.Writing a reflective paper from an essay can be extremely rewarding as well as a lot of work. Write, then rewrite, then rewrite again, it will all come together as you finally sit down and turn in your final version.

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